Monday, December 14, 2009

Hotel Comparison Videos: $7.50 in Jordan vs. $6.75 in Thailand

Recently I've stayed in two budget hotels. The first was the Sunrise Hotel in Amman, Jordan:

And the second was the place I've been staying in Bangkok, My House:

The Verdict:
The Sunrise Hotel in Amman was bigger and had two beds, but My House is much cleaner, has a [cold water] shower that works, and is in a much much MUCH nicer part of town than that Jordanian hole. Plus I didn't have to haggle for the Bangkok price, while the guy in Amman started the price at $22.50. After I walked out he chased me down the street and agreed to my price, then while registering asked me "Why so angry? Why you want to [punching motion] me?" He was a young guy, probably 16. Later he asked me how to get a girlfriend, and when I said "I don't know," he accused me of lying: "Don't say you don't know! You American, you have many girlfriends, I know! Tell me!"


  1. oh my, the girlfriend part is funny.... hope it's warm there cause of the cold showers.... did the place in Jordans shower work at all?? looks like no... have fun on your adventures!!!

  2. No shower in Jordan. Now I'm staying with the Kobayashi-Downs' in some sweet digs. Hot showers, soft beds, good cuddling...

  3. yeah. id say the second budget hotel was MUCH better. im not sure how you stayed in the first one at all. have fun with the Kobayashi-Downs family!
